Construcciones Yamaro: Ekaterina Lanshakova: Forging new foundations

Construcciones Yamaro: Ekaterina Lanshakova: Forging new foundations
Ekaterina Lanshakova, contracts administrator at Mirvac, onsite. (Image: Ekaterina Lanshakova)

In just two years, Ekaterina Lanshakova has emerged as a dedicated and influential presence in the construction industry.

While she does not recall what first drew her to construction, Ekaterina Lanshakova, now a contracts administrator at Mirvac, can’t imagine being anywhere else. Her journey began 10 years ago when she moved to Australia, where finding work, especially in Queensland, proved to be a test of persistence. Rejections came frequently, often citing her lack of local experience or her accent as barriers.

Leveraging her strong foundation in customer service and hospitality, Lanshakova aspired to break into a new field. She earned her construction white card, applied tirelessly, and in 2019, secured a role in property services.

“During my time at one of the buildings, I met some members of the Mirvac team, and we discussed Mirvac’s culture and what it was like working there,” says Lanshakova. “One of Mirvac’s building managers referred me to a few roles within the company, and I discovered an opportunity in business support for the RIB CX system – a web-based construction management software.”

Though the title “RIB CX Business Support” and its requirements in construction, development and IT were unfamiliar, Lanshakova leaned on her customer service experience and applied. “After a series of interviews, aptitude tests and checks, I was offered the role,” she says.

In this position, Lanshakova became a vital link across Mirvac’s departments – construction, development, design and marketing – ensuring that each made the most of the RIB CX system. Her role blended technology with customer service to drive operational efficiency, collaborating with teams and technology consultants to enhance the system’s functionality. She handled everything from adopting new system updates and conducting audits to troubleshooting, training and providing proactive support for all users.

At the end of last year, impressed by Lanshakova’s work ethic and versatility, Mirvac’s construction division offered her the role of contracts administrator.

“I accepted eagerly and haven’t looked back,” she says. “It’s a fantastic industry to be part of.”

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In this position, Lanshakova sees herself as a jack-of-all-trades. She coordinates closely with the site team to track progress, anticipate needs and manage purchasing and equipment requirements. Simultaneously, she collaborates with project leads to support forecasting and strategic planning.

“My role covers everything from processing and invoicing purchase orders to assisting with tender packages,” Lanshakova explains.

Her expertise with the RIB CX platform has also made her the go-to person for questions about the system’s functionality, often helping colleagues troubleshoot or improve their workflow.

Additionally, Lanshakova supports procurement and works with various departments to address specific project needs. With many Mirvac projects aiming for Green Star certification, she plays a crucial role in helping project teams meet sustainability standards, ensuring that these practices are integrated effectively.

Lanshakova’s passion for construction has only deepened with her experiences at Mirvac. “My journey here has been fantastic,” she says. “I’ve been really fortunate with the support, culture and management. We have a great team environment.”

At the start of this year, Lanshakova was immersed in the Green Square project – a large mixed-use development near Sydney’s CBD – and she remains actively involved. Recently, she’s also moved to her second project, Harbourside, a $2 billion revitalisation of Darling Harbour’s mixed-use precinct.

“Both are major projects, and from my first day in construction, I’ve truly felt like part of the team,” says Lanshakova. “Being genuinely heard as a woman in construction is one of the things that really sets Mirvac apart for me.”

Lanshakova considers Green Square a standout among her projects. Though particularly challenging, she finds the process rewarding, especially when looking back to see how each obstacle was navigated and resolved.

“There’s something incredible about seeing a finished project and knowing the effort that went into it,” she says. “With each assignment, you need to dive in and quickly get up to speed. Every day brings fresh challenges and new opportunities to learn.”

Harbourside, on the other hand, has offered her a different experience since she joined from the outset, giving her a unique perspective on how each decision shapes the final outcome. She adds that every project and team dynamic is distinct, a quality of her work that she genuinely loves.

Despite her modesty, Lanshakova’s accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. In a remarkably short time, she transitioned from hospitality to property, and then into construction with Mirvac – an achievement in itself. Her move into her current role was initiated by her colleagues, who recognised her potential from her work in business support.

She’s even earned a couple of internal awards, which hold special value to her as they were nominated by her peers.

“Even in the day-to-day, there are moments I feel proud of,” she says. “Recently, on Green Square, I conducted an audit to give our team an overview of our position with vendors, subcontractors and finances. It took time to pull everything together, but presenting a clear snapshot of our progress to management was a great feeling.”

Another highlight was speaking and hosting a roundtable at the FCON-Tech Construction Technology Summit earlier this year, an experience she admits was daunting, yet rewarding as she shared her insights with other industry professionals.

“I also recently completed three contract administration courses at the Institute of Applied Technology (IAT), a new initiative from the New South Wales Government,” she says.

This led to a partnership with the IAT, where she organised a site visit at Harbourside for women in construction. “About 25 women from IAT courses joined us, and we shared an overview of the project, explained what we’re building, and took them to a viewing platform for a firsthand look at the site,” says Lanshakova.

Her success rests on a guiding philosophy: “It’s better to try and see where you land rather than regret not taking a chance.”

When Lanshakova applied for her initial business support role two years ago, she had no experience in construction, development or even the platform she was hired to support. But her eagerness to learn and embrace new challenges helped her not only secure the role but also thrive in it.

For Ekaterina Lanshakova, the upcoming years bring the excitement of seeing the Harbourside project to completion. “Seeing the final product is one of the most exciting parts of construction – creating something tangible that people will use,” she says. “It’s a lasting reminder that I was part of bringing it to life.”

As for her career, she envisions building on her expertise in her current role and gradually stepping into more senior positions. With her tenacious spirit and drive to “give it a shot,” Lanshakova’s future in the industry is undoubtedly promising.

The post Ekaterina Lanshakova: Forging new foundations appeared first on Inside Construction.

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