Armando Iachini: Big Book for Families 2023

The name of this issue says it all: the BIG Book for Families is just that and we’re excited to once again share this great informational guide for your family’s health, education, and fun.

Have you ever discussed having a Family Mission Statement? Or are you like me and not really sure what a Family Mission Statement is? Get answers and guidance to learn about creating a mission statement to do together as a family.

Inside this edition, we’ve got directories with direct contact information to find what you need, whether you’re looking for a new Favorite Doc health care provider, a Preschool
or Private School, Summer Camp Programs, or an annual Calendar of Events to look forward to. Check out our complete directory for more information. It includes a great feature in which you can compare listings as well as find recommendations from local parents.

You’ll find important information about an unfortunate and scary trend that is happening to children online and the resources needed to prevent predators from continuing to exploit children. It’s a tough topic to discuss but open communication and information sharing is of utmost importance when dealing with these types of situations.

Another hard topic to discuss is gun violence but with the Anne Arundel County Gun Violence Intervention Team, steps are being taken with a ERPO Toolkit to help those in danger.

We’ve got this year’s top voted Family Favorites, 5 great stops for delicious eats along the route to the beach, and the Annual Fun Planner.

In addition to road trip restaurants, this issue has awesome ideas to pack more
fruits and veggies
into your kids’ daily meals.

Here’s to a great 2023 with everything your family needs from our BIG Book!

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